Returned from hols yesterday to learn The Measure of Sorrow (Meerkat Press) won Best Collection in this year’s Ditmar Awards!
And as if that wasn’t enough, Let The Cat In won the Ditmar for Best Fan Publication. Kudos to Kaaron Warren and Aaron Dries for three years of shit-talking banter…
Congrats to all the winners and shortlistees, but a special shoutout to Kaaron for the Bitters love, and to CH Pearce for the Ditmar trifecta. Huge thanks to all who voted – and to all the volunteers who’ve kept these awards alive since 1969.

ACT Book of the Year 2024 shortlist

The Measure of Sorrow – Melbourne launch
Shits and giggles aplenty at the Melbourne launch of The Measure Of Sorrow on Friday night. Great to hang with friends old and new, and talk (loudly, to compete with the background noise) books and dreams and kids and leeches et al. Big thanks to Rebecca Fraser for hosting, and to all for coming!
Pics courtesy of Chuck McKenzie.

The Measure of Sorrow launch party
Thanks to everyone who made it to Blackbird Bar for the launch last night. Was a proper banger!
Special thanks to Kaaron and Aaron, for always having my back. Thanks to Cat Sparks, Dan O’Malley, CH Pearce, and Nicole Murphy for the pics.
Love to all of youse – thanks for helping me launch The Measure Of Sorrow in style!

Online launch: The Measure of Sorrow
in conversation with John Langan
Big thanks to everyone who rocked up to the virtual launch of The Measure of Sorrow, hosted by Meerkat Press last weekend. For those who couldn’t make it (or you hardcore types committed to watching the “Director’s cut”), here’s the full-length unexpurgated conversation, including Ohio, Kafka, black lakes, book burning, famous dead people, deep-fried platypi, Tina Turner, passing references to the collection, and big-ups to other people’s awesome books. Hope you can check it out!
Huge thanks to John for being a great host, an irrepressible conversationalist, and an all-round stand-up guy. If you’ve not yet read his latest collection – Corpsemouth and other Autobiographies – I insist you rectify that immediately.