Shirley Jackson Award winner!

Shirley Jackson Award winner!

Sooooo… aw jeez. I’ve been hiding out all day in a state of shock and bewilderment because The Attic Tragedy won a fricking Shirley Jackson Award!

I watched the ceremony with my youngest, who sat there with fingers crossed and insisted I do the same – though I told him I had no hope of winning. When the announcement came, I literally shrieked – and kept shrieking. (My eldest was on a school Zoom call in the other room. His teacher asked him politely to mute himself because of the “background noise.”)

Congrats to all the winners, with special nods to Kathe Koja (meerkat-shaped fist bump coming your way), Lee Murray and Gene Flynn (the fantastic flight of the Cranes continues!). And of course, epic, bottomless thank yous to Kaaron Warren and to the unstoppable Meerkat Press!

Angela Slatter interview

Angela Slatter interview

Honoured to be invited over to Angela Slatter’s blog for a virtual cup of tea and a (slightly one-sided) natter. We talked The Attic Tragedy, literary heroes, and my mortal terror of General Woundwort. Good times!

Check out the interview here. Then go follow Angela on Twitter at @AngelaSlatter. (And if you’re not already reading her books, get out there and start now – it’s required reading.)

Online launch: The Attic Tragedy

Online launch: The Attic Tragedy

talking teen angst, attics, Ancient Greece, and the birth of a podcast about the stories in objects…

I had a blast hanging with Kaaron Warren and Aaron Dries in Kaaron’s gorgeous book room, to discuss my debut novelette, The Attic Tragedy. Check out the videos of the reading and in conversation below.

Suzy Turner interview

Suzy Turner interview

The Attic Tragedy – Blog Tour

Had a great time being grilled by Suzy Turner over at her blog. This turned out to be a much more personal interview than I was expecting (or, frankly, intending), and is all the better because of it. Thank you, Suzy!

Check out the interview here. Then go follow Suzy on Twitter at @suzy_turner.